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Some employees won’t stop using apps that could be a security risk

It’s likely a lot of the applications and software tools you’re using now are different from the ones your business used before the pandemic. That’s because we’ve all had to make big adjustments to the way we communicate and collaborate. It may have been hit or miss at first. It’s possible that your employees had … Read more

The Entrepreneurial Operating System can help your business focus on growth

As IT professionals, we spend a lot of time thinking and talking about operating systems. Without Windows, your computer is just a useless lump of metal and plastic. Have you realized that your business also needs an operating system? It’s an unusual concept, but one that’s really working well for thousands of companies around the … Read more

Microsoft’s taking a responsible leadership position on AI

Microsoft’s decided to retire and rework an AI tool that could not only recognize our facial features, but also identify our mood. Azure Face is an emotion recognition tool. These are highly criticized by experts who believe they violate human rights. Microsoft has just published the updated version of its Responsible AI Standard. It wants … Read more