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Your business’s Windows updates might be failing because of this one simple thing…

If you’re the kind of person who installs security updates on all of your devices as soon as they become available, don’t start polishing your ...
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Business & Technology Trends

Some of your staff REALLY want to work from home permanently. Here’s how you can make it happen.

Remote working has really come of age in the last two years. Many people have loved it, while others realized they preferred an office environment. ...
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All Things Microsoft

Instant voice communication with your whole team at the push of a button: Walkie talkie comes to Teams

If you like looking at all the new features in your Microsoft Teams application, you might have noticed the walkie talkie feature in preview. Maybe ...
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All Things Microsoft

Microsoft 365 Price increase.

In case you haven’t heard, Microsoft’s increasing its subscription prices for Microsoft 365 in March. It’s the first big price rise for a decade. And ...
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Don’t worry about the potential downsides of a password manager. The upsides are far greater.

Last week there were stories that a password manager called LastPass had seen some of its customers master passwords compromised. The company denies that happened, ...
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